Orchards at Greentree


Proactive Fire Safety

Help us keep a safe environment in our townhome community.

Here are four tips to consider:

(1) In recent years, we requested owners have their dryer vents professionally cleaned. If you did not perform that service since then, please consider doing it now.

(2) If your residence has a fireplace, have your chimney inspected and cleaned. Practice fire safety such as keeping anything that can burn 3 feet away from the fireplace, having a screen to prevent sparks from flying, and never leave a burning fireplace unattended.

(3) December and January are peak months for home candle fires. Be cautious about keeping burning candles 1 foot away from anything that can burn, never leave them unattended, and consider using flameless candles.

(4) And last, check your smoke detectors. According to The National Fire Protection Association, 3 out of 5 fire fatalities are the result of faulty or non-functioning smoke detectors

In summary, be a good neighbor and responsibly take steps to reduce the risk of fire accidents this fall and winter with the following tips:

  • Outdoor fire pits must be 15 feet from any structure.
  • Clean your dryer vent.
  • Check on your smoke detectors.
  • Never leave burning candles or a burning fireplace unattended.
  • Have your chimney cleaned and keep flammable items away from the fireplace.